Sunset Valley Farms News

Welcome to the new website!
I am still in the process of moving the old documents/etc over from the previous site, so the Documents section will be a bit sparse until that is complete. We will be working shortly to allow for online payments, so that should be in place by the time dues are due at the end of February.
While the owner dashboard will generally be the default for most of you once you're logged in, I do have some control over what lives there and am looking for any ideas and pictures you might have of the neighborhood. From a technical perspective I can use any html, so long as it's something that can be done inline between <body></body> tags - I'm not going to pretend I've kept up with everything that can be done now within line javascript/etc. so if you have any widgets/designs in mind that can live in there, please feel free to reach out and let me know!
- Rob

Posted on:Feb 04th, 2024