The Board of Directors of the Hillsborough Homeowner's Association would like to welcome you and are excited you have chosen Hillsborough as your new home! Hopefully, the information on our website will be helpful to you and your family in learning about our neighborhood.
You will find a copy of your respective Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions pertaining to your Lot. The Board would like to emphasize the importance of these Covenants in order to maintain the appearance and property values of our neighborhood. An owner desiring to erect any Improvement shall deliver a set of construction plans, landscaping plans and plot plans to the Board for approval. Such plans shall include a description type, quality, color and use of materials proposed for the exterior of such Improvement. Requests for approval can be submitted to the Board on-line at this Website or by e-mailing the Board at board@hillsboroughassociation.com
Also found on the website are the Bylaws of the Hillsborough Homeowner's Association.
Our Mission. The Hillsborough Homeowner’s Association provides the residents of Hillsborough with a safe, fun and prosperous lifestyle by promoting and maintaining common areas, ensuring the adherence to the neighborhood covenants, coordinating efforts with the city and other agencies, emphasizing the need to keep a watch on our neighborhood for safety purposes and anything out of the ordinary, and providing fun events for the family.
Here's the link to our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/hillsboroughne